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When is Ramadan Eid in Turkey 2024? Dates for Feast & Holidays

Updated: Feb 14

When is Ramadan Eid in Turkey 2024?

Are you planning a trip to Turkey in 2024 and wondering when the Islamic holidays of Ramadan Eid (Ramazan Bayramı) will take place? Knowing the exact date of this religious holiday can help you plan your itinerary accordingly, especially if you want to experience the festivities and day holidays that come with it.

Ramadan is a month-long period of fasting, prayer, and reflection for Muslims around the world, and is considered one of the most important Islamic holidays. It culminates with Eid al-Fitr, a three-day festival that marks the end of the fast and is also known as Ramazan Bayramı in Turkey. Both Ramadan and Eid are significant religious holidays that bring families together to share meals, exchange gifts, and enjoy festivities as a commemoration of their faith.

In 2024, Ramadan (also known as Ramazan) is expected to begin on April 3rd or 4th and end on May 2nd or 3rd depending on the sighting of the new moon. To book a Turkey tour package, please click on the following link to check out our available packages: [Turkey Tour Packages] 

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So if you're curious about when Ramazan Eid and day holidays will take place in Turkey in 2024 during the holy month of Ramadan, keep reading! We'll give you all the details on dates, traditions, and celebrations, including the commemoration of this special time.

ramazan bayramı

Dates for Ramazan (Ramadan) in Turkey in 2024:

Start and End Dates for Ramadan in Turkey for 2024

Ramadan, also known as Ramazan in Turkey, is one of the holiest months of the Islamic calendar. It is a time of commemoration when Muslims around the world fast from dawn until sunset, abstaining from food, drink, smoking, and other physical needs during daylight hours. The start and end dates of Ramadan are determined by the lunar calendar and vary each year. This year, Ramadan will begin on April 13th, which falls on a Tuesday. Muslims observe Friday and Sunday as their holy days during this month.

In 2024, Ramadan (also known as Ramazan) is expected to begin on April 3rd or 4th and end on May 2nd or 3rd depending on the sighting of the new moon. These dates may vary slightly based on local moon sightings. During this period, Muslims worldwide will observe day holidays and engage in commemoration activities. Additionally, the last Thursday of Ramadan is considered a special day for worship and reflection.

Explanation of How the Dates are Determined

The Islamic calendar follows a lunar cycle which means that it is based on the phases of the moon rather than the solar cycle like the Gregorian calendar used in most countries. Each month begins with the sighting of a new crescent moon which marks the start of a new month. Ramazan, a month of fasting, is observed by Muslims worldwide during which they abstain from food and water from dawn till dusk. It is followed by day holidays marking the end of the holy month. The 2nd day of Ramazan is considered a significant day for Muslims. In April, Muslims all over the world await the sighting of the crescent moon to commence their holy month of Ramazan.

The exact date when Ramadan, also known as Ramazan, begins depends on when this new moon is sighted. In some countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, official committees are responsible for determining when Ramadan starts based on actual sightings of the crescent moon. In Turkey, however, astronomers use scientific calculations to predict when it will be visible. This year, Ramadan is expected to begin on April, the 2nd day. It is a month-long commemoration observed by Muslims worldwide through fasting and prayer.

Mention of Fasting Hours During Ramadan in Turkey

During Ramazan in Turkey, Muslims commemorate the month of April by fasting from sunrise until sunset each day. This means that they cannot eat or drink anything during daylight hours. Fasting helps Muslims to develop self-discipline and empathy towards those who are less fortunate.

Ramazan fasting times can vary depending on where you are located within Turkey due to differences in longitude and latitude affecting sunrise/sunset times. The length of fasting hours can range anywhere between 14-16 hours per day throughout different regions of Turkey during the commemoration of April.

Quick Note on Suhoor and Iftar Timings

Ramazan is the month of commemoration in April when Muslims consume suhoor, the pre-dawn meal, before starting their fast for the day. Iftar, the meal to break their fast at sunset, is often celebrated in Turkey where families and friends gather together to enjoy traditional Turkish dishes such as lamb kebabs, lentil soup, and baklava.

The timing of these meals can vary depending on where you are located within Turkey due to differences in longitude and latitude affecting sunrise/sunset times, especially during the month of April.

inside mosque

Information about Ramazan Bayramı (Eid el Fitr) in Turkey in 2024:

Date for Eid el Fitr celebration in Turkey

Ramadan is usually observed in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, which falls between April and May. It is a month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community for Muslims worldwide. The end of Ramadan marks the beginning of Eid el Fitr or Ramazan Bayramı celebrations. In Turkey, the date for Eid el Fitr is determined according to the sighting of the Shawwal crescent moon. In 2024, Ramazan Bayramı is expected to begin on May 23rd and last for three days.

Explanation of how Eid el Fitr is celebrated

Eid el Fitr, which usually falls in May or June, marks the end of Ramadan's month-long fast and is a time for Muslims to celebrate with family and friends. On this day, Muslims wake up early in the morning and attend special prayers at mosques or open spaces like parks or stadiums. Afterward, they visit relatives and friends to exchange greetings and gifts. Unfortunately, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult for Muslims to celebrate together in April as they used to.

A significant part of April's Eid el Fitr celebration involves giving Zakat al-Fitr or Fitra – a charitable donation given before Eid prayer that aims to help those less fortunate have enough food during Ramadan. Families also prepare delicious meals such as lamb dishes, rice pilaf, baklava desserts served with Turkish tea.

Brief history behind celebrating Eid el Fitr

The tradition of celebrating Eid el Fitr dates back more than 1,400 years ago when Prophet Muhammad instituted it after he migrated from Mecca to Medina. According to Islamic belief, Allah revealed the first verses of Quran during Ramadan in Mecca in April.

Eid al-Fitr, celebrated in April, also commemorates Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail on Allah's command but was replaced with a ram at the last minute. Thus it signifies obedience towards Allah's commands.

Customs and traditions followed during Eid el Fitr

Eid el Fitr in April is a time for family gatherings, and it is customary for Muslims to wear new or clean clothes on this day. They also apply perfume and henna designs on their hands as part of the April celebration.

In Turkey, children go door-to-door in their neighborhoods singing songs and collecting candy, chocolates, or money from neighbors. This tradition is called Bayram Şekeri (bayram sweets). It's an opportunity for children to get dressed up in traditional clothing and have fun with friends. In April, this tradition is still celebrated with the same enthusiasm.

Another popular custom during April is sending greetings to loved ones. In Turkey, people greet each other by saying "Bayramınız kutlu olsun" which means "May your Bayram be blessed.

List of Turkey Public Holidays: June, Wednesday, Eid Aladha Day, Public Holiday:

If you're planning a trip to Turkey or simply want to know more about the country's culture and traditions, it's important to be aware of the public holidays observed in the country. Public holidays are significant events that reflect a nation's history, customs, and beliefs. They are also an excellent opportunity for visitors to experience local cultures and festivities.

Turkey is a republic that observes several public holidays throughout the year. These include national holidays such as Republic Day (October 29) and Victory Day (August 30), as well as religious holidays such as Ramadan Bayrami (Eid al-Fitr) and Kurban Bayrami (Eid al-Adha).

List of Public Holidays Observed by Turkey

Here is a list of some of the public holidays observed by Turkey:

  1. New Year's Day - January 1

  2. National Sovereignty and Children's Day - April 23

  3. Labor and Solidarity Day - May 1

  4. Youth and Sports Day - May 19

  5. Democracy and National Unity Day - July 15

  6. Victory Day - August 30

  7. Republic Day - October 29

Explanation on Why Public Holidays are Important to Know

Public holidays play an essential role in shaping a nation's identity by commemorating significant historical events or celebrating religious occasions. They provide an opportunity for people to come together, celebrate their shared heritage, and create lasting memories with family and friends.

For tourists visiting Turkey, understanding these public holidays can help them plan their trip better by taking into account any closures or changes in schedules that may occur during these times.

Mentioning Specific Public Holiday Dates That Fall Within June

In June, Turkey observes several public holidays, including:

  1. Youth and Sports Day - May 19 (observed in June)

  2. Eid al-Fitr - June 2-4, 2024

  3. Democracy and National Unity Day - July 15 (observed in June)

Eid al-Fitr is a significant religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to mark the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. During this time, families gather to share meals and exchange gifts.

Democracy and National Unity Day commemorates the failed coup attempt that took place on July 15, 2016. On this day, people come together to celebrate their democracy and remember those who lost their lives defending it.

Quick Overview on How Public Holidays are Celebrated

Public holidays in Turkey are typically celebrated with family gatherings, parades, concerts, fireworks displays, and other festive activities. For example:

  • On Victory Day (August 30), there are military parades across the country.

  • On Republic Day (October 29), schools organize ceremonies where children dress up as national heroes or historical figures.

June Holidays: Thursday, 3rd Day of the Eid Aladha

Muslims all over the world celebrate two significant holidays each year, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. The latter is also known as the Feast of Sacrifice. This holiday commemorates Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah’s command.

Eid al-Adha falls on the tenth day of Dhu al-Hijjah, which is the twelfth month in the Islamic calendar. The celebration lasts for three days, with the third day being a public holiday in Turkey. In 2024, this holiday will fall on Thursday, June 20th.

Date for the third day celebration during Eid Aladha

The third day of Eid al-Adha is celebrated around the world by Muslims who have completed their Hajj pilgrimage or Qurbani (animal sacrifice). It marks the end of Hajj and is a time for family gatherings, feasting, and gift-giving.

Explanation on why this day is significant

The significance of this day lies in Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail as an act of obedience to Allah’s command. However, Allah replaced Ismail with a ram at the last moment, sparing his life.

This event symbolizes faith and devotion towards Allah. Muslims commemorate it by sacrificing animals like goats or sheep and distributing meat among family members and those in need.

Customs and traditions followed during this day

In Turkey, people start preparing for Eid al-Adha days before its arrival. They clean their houses thoroughly and buy new clothes for themselves and their children. Women prepare traditional dishes like baklava, borek, kebab while men take care of animal sacrifices.

On the morning of Eid al-Adha's third day in Turkey, people gather at mosques or open spaces to offer special prayers called Salat al-Eid. After the prayers, they exchange greetings and embrace each other. They then proceed to perform animal sacrifice or Qurbani.

Comparison with other days celebrated during Eid Aladha

The first two days of Eid al-Adha are also significant. The first day marks the end of Hajj, while the second day is dedicated to animal sacrifice and family gatherings.

However, the third day holds a special place in Turkey as it is a public holiday and people spend time with their families, visit relatives and friends, and enjoy traditional food.

Ramadan Feast Observances: Is Ramadan Feast a Public Holiday in Turkey?

Ramadan Feast, also known as Şeker Bayramı (Sugar Festival) or Eid al-Fitr, is one of the most important religious holidays celebrated by Muslims worldwide. It marks the end of Ramadan, the month-long period of fasting and spiritual reflection. In Turkey, this holiday holds significant cultural and religious importance to its people.

What is Ramadan Feast?

Ramadan Feast is a three-day celebration that begins on the first day of Shawwal, the tenth month of the Islamic calendar. During this time, Muslims gather with family and friends to exchange greetings and gifts while enjoying traditional foods such as baklava, Turkish delight, and other sweets.

Is Ramadan Feast a Public Holiday in Turkey?

Yes, it is! The government of Turkey recognizes this holiday as an official public holiday for all citizens. This means that schools, banks, government offices, and most businesses are closed during these three days.

How it's celebrated across different regions

Although Ramadan feast celebrations share many similarities throughout Turkey, each region has its unique traditions. In Istanbul and other major cities like Ankara or Izmir, people celebrate by visiting their relatives' homes or hosting their guests at home. They wear new clothes called "bayramlık" and prepare traditional dishes like pilaf with lamb or chicken meatballs.

In rural areas such as Cappadocia or Aegean Region where agriculture dominates economic activities; farmers offer fresh produce from their farms to neighbors or local mosques for charity purposes.

Traditional foods served during this time

Food plays an essential role in Turkish culture; hence there are specific dishes prepared only for special occasions like Şeker Bayramı. Here are some popular foods served during this festival:

  • Baklava: A sweet pastry made from layers of phyllo dough filled with chopped nuts.

  • Turkish Delight: Also known as lokum, is a soft and chewy candy made from starch and sugar syrup.

  • Güllaç: A traditional dessert made of layers of thin pastry soaked in sweetened milk and rose water.

  • Pilaf with Lamb or Chicken Meatballs: Rice cooked with sautéed onions, tomatoes, and spices served with lamb or chicken meatballs.

June Holidays Continued: Thursday, Eid Aladha Day, Public Holiday; Extra Public Holiday for the Eid Aladha:

Explanation of the significance of Eid Aladha Day

Eid Aladha is one of the most important Islamic holidays celebrated by Muslims worldwide. It is also known as the "Festival of Sacrifice" and commemorates Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah. As per Islamic tradition, Allah replaced Prophet Ibrahim's son with a ram just before he was about to sacrifice him. Therefore, Muslims celebrate this day by sacrificing animals such as goats, sheep, or cows and distributing meat among family members, friends, and those in need.

Whether or not it's a public holiday

Eid Aladha is a public holiday in Turkey. The Turkish government recognizes two different types of public holidays - national and religious. National holidays are observed throughout Turkey while religious holidays are only observed by followers of that particular religion.

Comparison with other days celebrated during Eid Aladha

Eid al-Fitr is another significant Islamic holiday celebrated at the end of Ramadan, which marks the end of fasting. In contrast to Eid Aladha's focus on sacrifice and giving to others in need, Eid al-Fitr focuses more on breaking fasts and celebrating with family and friends.

Extra public holiday for the Eid Aladha and its importance

In Turkey, there is an additional public holiday given for Eid Aladha known as "Cumhuriyet Bayramı." This extra day off allows people to spend time with their families or travel within Turkey. Schools, museums, places like Topkapi Palace Museum & Hagia Sophia Museum & Blue Mosque remain closed on this day along with banks and offices.

The date for when Ramadan ends differs each year because it follows the lunar calendar rather than following a solar calendar like we do now. For 2024, Ramadan is expected to end on June 5th and Eid Aladha will be celebrated on June 6th. The QPPStudio website has predicted that the extra public holiday for the Eid Aladha in Turkey will fall on June 7th, a day after Eid Aladha.


In summary, Ramadan in Turkey will fall on April 3 to May 2, 2024. Eid el Fitr or Ramazan Bayramı will be celebrated on May 2-4, while Eid Aladha Day will be observed on June 12. These dates are considered public holidays in Turkey.

If you're planning a trip to Turkey during this time, it's best to take note of these dates and plan your itinerary accordingly. You might also want to consider attending some of the festivities and events that take place during these holidays.

Don't forget to check with your travel agency or accommodation provider for any special promotions or discounts that may apply during the holiday season.


1. Are shops and restaurants open during Eid el Fitr in Turkey?

Yes, most shops and restaurants remain open during the holiday season but may have limited operating hours.

2. Is it necessary to book accommodations early for Eid el Fitr in Turkey?

Yes, it is recommended to book your accommodations early as many hotels and resorts can get fully booked during the holiday season.

3. What are some traditional dishes served during Ramadan and Eid el Fitr in Turkey?

Some traditional dishes include pide bread, baklava, Turkish delight, kebab, pilaf rice, lentil soup, and stuffed grape leaves.

4. Can non-Muslims participate in Ramadan festivities in Turkey?

Yes, non-Muslims are welcome to participate in Ramadan festivities such as iftar dinners and cultural events.

5. Is alcohol served during Ramadan and Eid el Fitr in Turkey?

While alcohol is not prohibited during these holidays in Turkey, some establishments may choose not to serve it out of respect for those who are fasting or celebrating religiously.

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